The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales have an excellent website with lots of up-to-date information about the current situation:

How can I contact a priest?

Please see below, links to the websites of all the Catholic parishes in Bedford. You should be able to find information about the availability of the priest and / or contact information.


My child was preparing for First Holy Communion/ Confirmation

Please contact your child’s catechist, or parish priest, for further information about First Holy Communion and Confirmation preparation.


I would like to go to confession

At this time, it is very difficult to have our confession heard. Pope Francis spoke recently about this and offered reassurance: “People who cannot get to confession because of the coronavirus lockdown or another serious reason can go to God directly, be specific about their sins, request pardon and experience God's loving forgiveness.”

For more, listen to Pope Francis here:

Confession and Easter from Pope Francis


A member of my family is ill and we would like to contact a priest

Your local Parish will be able to help you contact a Catholic priest at this time. If you need any help identifying your local Church, please contact your school office.